Sunday, December 16, 2012

Arrival and Installation of the tanks!

The two water cisterns, financed by the Caring Fund's 2011 Advent Sharing Project, arrived to the mountain community of Las Nubes. Below, you can see some pictures from the community and the preparations they made for the installation. The whole community helped prepare the site, carry the bricks, and install the tanks.
You can learn more about the community of Las Nubes and the trouble they have with clean water by visiting this link, a blog post written by Alison McKellar after she and a delegation from Our Lady of Good Hope Parish visited the community back in 2007.
Several years ago, after learning about the Las Nubes Community and their need for water storage barrels, members of the church worked with a local donor to purchase 12 barrels for the community to store water. Read more here.
Children wait eagerly for the tanks to arrive.

This is how the community got most of their water before the tanks. They will still need to transport water from the cisterns to their homes, but the distance they need to carry the water is now significantly less.
Breaking ground for the tank installations.
Some materials arriving for the foundation of the tanks.

Carrying bricks from the delivery truck down the road to the site where the cisterns will be placed.

Even the youth in the community helped prepare the site.

More site preparation



  1. Dear Alison,
    So inspiring to find this wonderful project so beautifully presented.
    May this work of justice and mercy thrive!
    Love and prayers,

    1. Thanks, Susan! It has been a real pleasure to work on the Caring Fund website and have the opportunity to share these wonderful projects with the people that have helped make them happen!

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